Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nothing and Everything

To say John Adams was disappointed in being the nation's first vice president, instead of president, would be a slight understatement. Adams railed against his position as being "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived." However, in the midst of his discouragement and perceived unimportance, Adams also saw an opportunity. He stated, "In this I am nothing, but I may be everything."

As a young adult in the Adventist Church, I frequently identify with Adams' view of the Vice Presidency of the United States. Church leaders endlessly talk about how young people are the future of the body, but when push comes to shove, many of them bar the ability of young people to participate in or exert influence in church operations.

In some churches I have visited, it is interesting to see how much of the service shows off the work or research that a pastor, an adult Sabbath School group, an elder, or church staff may be doing. However, accomplishments of younger people are often minimized or completely ignored.

The solution to this is not an elegant one. The proliferation of many church plants or separate worship services geared toward younger people have arisen in recent years partly as a response to the fact that this demographic group feels largely neglected by the church. My activities have been mostly to serve as a deacon, fill-in Sabbath School teacher, and usher. While these duties are important, the fact remains that this is often the most involved a young person may hope to become in church as long as older individuals continue to maintain a monopoly on church operations.

I was afforded the opportunity several months ago to give a sermon. What I regret now is that I did not use that forum to give voice to how my current generation feels about church and why so many of us have made the decision to avoid it. It may be some time before I get another chance to take a platform with similar freedom of speech, but I hope that when it does come around I will be able to say something that makes a difference. It may be nothing, but it could be everything.

1 comment:

  1. Jared - Had no idea you had a blog!! Welcome to the blogging world - Micheal would be proud!
